30 July 2018 | Münster
From the 9th to the 16th of July the International Summer School 2018 took place at the Münster School of Business. 44 students from Germany, Colombia, Chile, Brazil, India and South Africa participated to develop solutions for sustainability and social entrepreneurship challenges.
The programme included lectures on social innovation, social entrepreneurship and sustainability, given by the guest lecturers Dr Paul Tai-Hing from the Nelson Mandela University and Dr Robert Crocker from the University of South Australia, and Catja Dickmann and Prof. Dr. Bert Kiel.from the Münster School of Business
Students organised in 10 multicultural groups worked on 10 challenges, two of them focused on sustainability issues at the Münster University of Applied Sciences, other two in a regional SME, two on global food waste and plastic waste and four on social projects in South Africa. To finalise the Summer School, students presented their ideas in a 7-minute pitch to Prof. Dr. Kiso, dean of the MSB; Claudia Umanzor, director of the Summer School; Prof. Dr. Kliewe, deputy director of the Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre; guest lectures and colleagues.
We look forward to the next version of our Summer School 2019 and invite all students to join us!