
Elina Isakova, one of our academic researcher at the Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre, went to Lisbon (Portugal) to meet face-to-face with the consortium of the RestART project, where she is the project manager.

Members of each partner institution contributed to the meeting by addressing different project results and finalizing project activities. This included the successful completion of the first project outcome "Restarting Businesses in the Creative and Arts Industry through Mentorship" report, the second project result "Online Platform Ment-Net and Mentoring Scope", project result three "The RestART Mentor's Toolkit", and the final steps in the project result four "Online Mentor Capacity Building Program for Mentors and Handbook".


Moreover, the consortium had a brainstorming session regarding the final project improvements and the sustainability of the project, especially the Ment-Net Platform and the Mentor Capacity Building Program, which aims to equip mentors with the right knowledge, skills, and tools to design a quality mentoring program for restarting women entrepreneurs. It is composed of an online capacity-building program for mentors featuring a variety of courses on different topics (identified through the Analysis performed in PR1) and a comprehensive Handbook to teach and train the mentors on how to use the Toolkit (PR3).

RestART project aims to bring together restarting women entrepreneurs and potential mentors in the arts and creative industries to improve the quality of mentoring and generate a positive impact for both women entrepreneurs seeking a second chance, and the arts and creative industries. Thank you to our hosts Rita Grácio and Margarida Santos, Lusófona University (Portugal) for a stimulating and rewarding environment, for the whole prepared activities, and to the engaged, insightful and thought-provoking consortium partners: Angelo Ranieri, University of Naples Federico II (Italy), Aventia Wilona, ACEEU (Germany), Eline De Koning and Szilvia Simon, FIRDA (Netherlands).

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