7 November 2019 | Münster/Ningbo

The Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre due to its uniqueness in the World is happy to host Dr. Wang Kai, Deputy Director of the "Research Center for Educational Administration and Policy" of Ningbo University, Ningbo China.

Dr. Wang Kai visited S2BMRC with the purpose of onboarding tools and approaches and how Technology Transfer, Research Commercialisation and University-Business Collaborations work in the German and European context.

The Ningbo University's fields cover economics, law, education, literature, history, science, engineering, agriculture, medicine, and management. More than 26,200 full-time students (+ 19,000 students receiving adult education) strive for adapting the newest knowledge in their fields. A number of high-level research innovation platforms have been established, including State Key Laboratory Breeding Base, Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Education, Engineering Research Center of the Ministry of Education, and Key Research Base of Social Sciences of General Administration of Sport of China. Dr. Wang Kai in in charge to develop a research commercialisation strategy for the University.

Also, Dr. Wang Kai was also highly interested in the business model of the Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre and how it is managed and kept sustainable.

Professor Thomas Baaken presenting the new book of S2BMRC on "Engaged and Entrepreneurial Universities" to Dr. Wang Kai

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