
8 March 2024 | Münster

To mark International Women's Day on March 8, Nelli Scharapow from our Economics department spoke to presenter Amelie Fröhlich on WDR Lokalzeit Münsterland about women in leadership positions.

International Women's Day is all about equality between men and women. In many areas, this has not yet been achieved in Germany either, Fröhlich introduces in the report. For example, in the area of management: "Women are underrepresented at management level - even in Münsterland," says Scharapow. She explains the reasons for this in the WDR report. At our university's Science-to-Business Marketing Research Center (S2BMRC), Scharapow is doing her doctorate on women in management positions, among other things, and is part of the WE.Lead research project, which aims to encourage women to take up leadership positions and start-ups.

The WDR report begins by telling the story of Paula Menninghaus, who founded her own company "Strong Partners" in Münster at the age of 18 (from minute 6:27). "It's incredibly inspiring to talk to these women," says Scharapow about this success story. For more women to embark on the path to entrepreneurship and take on leadership positions, there needs to be a change in society and in the world of work. 

Sharapov explains the extent to which we should rethink leadership roles, how the distribution of care work, for example, affects the problem and why it is difficult to quantify the number of male or female managers in the studio interview from minute 10:20. The video is available in the WDR media library until March 8, 2026.


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