On one hand, you can carry out the roleplay method in the classic way by taking the perspective of your target group. On the other hand, you can also present your idea, an experience or your product to the users and analyze their reactions to it.
1. First conduct the roleplay internally among the project members. This can give you access to your target group's point of view.
2. Decide which idea you want to implement in the roleplay, e.g. a situation in which the product is used; e.g. how a person reacts to a certain service. Assign appropriate roles to team members.
3. Take about 30 minutes to immerse yourself in the assigned role. The more background information you have about each role, the better you will be able to get into character. Perform the play and change roles in between. Use props and costumes to make the role play more authentic.
4. Note down conspicuous behavior of the actors. A video recording facilitates the analysis afterwards.
5. Analyze your own reactions from your role play.
6. As an alternative to a classic role play, in which you take on the perspective of the users, you can also integrate your target group directly into the method. For this purpose, record a radio play in which the respective situation is described from the target group's point of view.
7. Play this radio play to people in your target group. At the same time, ask them to write down their thoughts on the situation.
8. After you have performed the radio play, analyze the reactions and notes of your users. Use these findings for the further development of your product/service.