Building Digital Marketing Competences

In order to enter the professional world, current job advertisements for marketing professions require the "egg-laying woolly-milk-sow". A more detailed analysis of the job advertisements requires skills in marketing strategy, data analytics, web tracking, e-commerce, digital marketing and content marketing, which ideally go hand in hand with skills in design and programming.

Newcomers should in particular have understood the functions of social media and search engines and be able to steer these by skilful application of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Search Engine Advertisement (SEA) and Social Media Advertising (SMA). Furthermore, a professional handling of various web analysis tools is required.

The course focuses on building the skills required in today's digital world. Through digital teaching methods and interdisciplinary content, students are optimally prepared for an environment that is becoming increasingly digital. In this way, competencies in the areas of marketing strategy, data analytics, web tracking, e-commerce, digital marketing and content marketing are built up.

More about Building Digital Marketing Competences

In concrete terms, the following learning objectives can be formulated: After participating in the course, students should be able to:

  1. transfer learned facts from a previous mediation phase,
  2. differentiate and determine relevant digital marketing activities to achieve the objectives,
  3. manage different marketing channels and adapt them to current impulses,
  4. (further) develop a digital marketing strategy for one's own degree course,
  5. reflect on digital marketing skills learned and results achieved.
  6. b) The project pursues the goal of Project-Based Learning with integrated 360-degree reflection.

Learning experiences are presented in the form of concrete business problems, but lie in the "safer" environment of the university, where careful reflection is possible. In this way, it differs significantly from the current courses of Practice-Based Learning (Case Studies) and Work-Based Learning (Internship).

Accordingly, an iterative cycle from a specific problem is carried out, followed by observation and insights, brainstorming, an abstract solution, a specific solution and implementation including several reflection loops (reflection in action, reflection in the group, individual reflection). In particular, the 360-degree reflection was judged to be particularly target-oriented by students in previous scientific publications.

Funding body: Wandelwerk

Timeframe: 01.09.2018 - 31.08.2020

Budget: 34.795,68 €

Contact person: Alexander L. Schmidt, André Perusso

Managing Disruptive Change (MaDiC)

Companies today are increasingly and severely affected by disruptive changes. Examples of changes in the last 25 years are financial and economic crises, reunification, globalisation of markets, digitisation or the energy revolution. The pace at which these changes are occurring in the corporate environment is accelerating. These changes may not only affect the success of companies, in the worst case the existence of the companies is also at stake. However, disruptive changes do not necessarily need to be seen as a danger to which one must respond. Rather, disruptive changes can also be designed proactively, i.e. used strategically or even initiated. They offer opportunities and can lead to a sustained competitive advantage for companies.

In a three-year project funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Münster University of Applied Sciences is therefore dedicated to making these disruptive changes manageable for small and medium-sized enterprises.

The research project focuses on these micro- and macro-environmentally relevant disruptive changes in economic sectors and the question of how companies can counter these with the involvement of universities.

More about MaDiC

Funding body: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung - BMBF)

Timeframe: 01.05.2016 - 30.04.2019 (36 months)

Budget: 482,889.60 euros

Objective: Designing innovative business models for coping with disruptive changes in small and medium-sized enterprises.

Project goals

  • Characterisation of the specifications of disruptive changes in relation to economic sectors / fields of activity
  • Development of an innovation radar for SMEs to present the external view of changes and their implications for the company
  • Development of concepts and business model patterns for dealing with disruptive change by means of university-company cooperations
  • Implementation of the project results in the form of a technical book and a website on which the developed concepts and business model patterns are made accessible. The website allows the case-specific selection of results. 

PartnersBernd Münstermann GmbH & Co. KG, Carl Nolte Technik GmbH, Vossko GmbH & Co. KG, noventum consulting GmbH, VENTAFLEX GmbH & Co. KG


WISE is an Erasmus+ project developed by six European partners. It aims to foster innovation, growth and jobs by increasing the number of female entrepreneurs in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). We will create innovative business alliances to support the access and quality of the training that female students receive from entrepreneurship VET institutions. We focus on Regional mapping and overview of STEM good practices on training programs, and policy and government interventions; business alliances and action plans; curricula and open educational resources; open online learning and knowledge exchange platform, and, learning placements framework.

More about WISE

Funding body: Erasmus+

Timeframe: 24 months until 31.08.2019

Budget: 289.326,00 euros

Partners: Omagh Entreprise Company, European Centre for Women and Technology (ECWT), Momentum Marketing Services, Canice Consulting, Leitrim County Council

Entrepreneurship Five (E5)

We want to change the starting point with a gamification-based approach to skills development. For this we develop an entrepreneurship game, through which a total of 5 entrepreneurship skills are developed. Hence the name "Entrepreneurship Five"

At the heart of the game are the following elements:

  • Mentality to recognize opportunities and respond to them with creativity
  • Hands on mentality
  • Flexibility / React to change
  • Learning from mistakes
  • Networking, communication and negotiation skills + self-marketing

Each competence is embedded in a challenge. All challenges are then combined into one game.

More about E5

Funding body: Wandelwerk

Timeframe: September 2018 - August 2020 (24 months)

Budget: 34.014,91 euros


Creativity & Innovation Management

Creativity has been increasingly on the agenda of scientists, professionals and policymakers in recent years. It is the prerequisite for change, for alternative ideas and solutions, for innovation. The European Commission's EntreComp report, published in 2016, also describes the development of entrepreneurial skills and competences as an important political goal, highlighting creativity as one of a total of 15 relevant key competences. As an innovative university, Münster University of Applied Sciences does not only need to speak about creativity and diversity but also to give students access to the development of their own creativity. Despite the great general interest in the topic, the promotion of creativity has not yet been anchored in the curriculum of the students of the Department of Economics at the University of Applied Sciences Münster. Therefore, the goal of this project is to integrate the promotion of creative competencies into the curriculum. In addition to the lectures and the teaching of content, the new format also includes project- and problem-based learning. In addition, digital collaboration tools such as Trello or Slack are used to teach students digital method skills in professional practice.

More about Creative & Innovation Management

Funding body: Wandelwerk

Timeframe: 01.09.2018 - 31.08.2020

Budget: 34.915,68 €

Objectives: In an application-oriented, experimental teaching concept three main goals are pursued:

1. Stimulation and development of one's own creativity

2. Getting to know important creativity techniques

3. Application of the learned creativity techniques and tools in the context of Design Thinking for a variety of problems

SME Innovation Course

Development of a blended learning offer on "SME Innovation Management". Specifically targeting innovation in the small and medium-sized companies in the Münster region, this course will make use case studies, videos, games etc. and will be offered to Bachelor students at Münster University of Applied Sciences.

More about SME Innovation Course

Funding body: Wandelwerk

Timeframe: October 2017 - September 2019 (24 months)

Budget: 34.950,81 euros

Objectives:   The project pursues three interlinked overall goals

1) Development of an e-learning offer on "SME Innovation Management". This course (2 SWS) can be offered both at the Münster School of Business as a basic lecture as well as a "refresher course" before the start of the master course "International Marketing and Sales".

2) Within this course, case studies with a regional focus should also be explicitly integrated (reference to SMEs, reference to core sectors of the Münsterland, etc.). In addition to case studies, games (gamification) should also be integrated. In total, at least 12 knowledge products should be created.

3) The course should be based on modular digital knowledge products (for example in the form of videos, exercises, games) that can be used case by case by teachers of all disciplines. In other words, the e-learning material is compiled at the Department of Economics and then provided as an Open Educational Resource to all university teaching at Münster University of Applied Sciences (and possibly even beyond). Each knowledge product should take only 15 to 45 minutes of training.

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