
To apply this model in a useful way, it is helpful to invite some people from the target group to test the innovation developed in the project.

1. In preparation for the evaluation, create an online or printed questionnaire that measures the degree to which the innovation is influenced by four factors: performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influences, and facilitating circumstances.

a. Performance expectancy (usefulness, extrinsic motivation): Does the innovation help the respondent improve his/her performance?

b. Effort expectancy (perceived ease of use, complexity): Is the technology easy to use? Can the respondent use the innovation without difficulty?

c. Social influences (subjective norm, social factors, image): Could other people think that it is good to use this innovation? What does the environment of the subject think about the use?

d. Facilitating circumstances (facilitating conditions, compatibility): Can existing technical and organizational infrastructures support the innovation and influence its use? What influence does the existing infrastructure have on the innovation?

2. Observe the recruited participants of your target group while they test your innovation. Afterwards, ask them how much the statements apply or do not apply using the questionnaire and a 7-point scale.

3. Also record demographic factors, such as the age and gender of the participants, as well as their previous experience with the innovation, and check whether they are doing the application voluntarily.

4. Evaluate the questionnaire and present the behavioral intention as well as the usage behavior of the participants to the other project members. Derive tasks and optimization opportunities through this evaluation.

More about the tool

Advantages and Disadvantages


  • Through constructive feedback, the innovation can be optimized.
  • The method enables a multidimensional evaluation of an innovation.
  • The method is not limited to a specific type of innovation.
  • Through the method, different actors (end users, project partners, etc.) can be involved.
  • The UTAUT model is a scientifically based method.


  • The UTAUT model is a demanding model that requires expertise and methodological knowledge in quantitative data collection.
  • The creation of a suitable and good questionnaire as well as the survey takes a lot of time.
  • The evaluation of the method is very complex and requires a deeper dive into the literature.

Application into practice

How can the benefits of a smart mirror be evaluated for citizens in rural areas? The sub-project "Does health arrive?" used the technology acceptance model UTAUT to answer this question in mü using the example of the Smart Mirror. In the course of an event organized by the adult education centers, the subproject staff visited the Smart Mirror exhibition to observe the use of the smart mirror on site. In the sub-project "Does Health Arrive?", the communication and use of health information by health actors and citizens is being researched and strategies, forms and formats for target group-specific offers for the communication of health information are being developed. The use of the Smart Mirror by the citizens was closely observed on site and the participants were then interviewed with regard to their use. Based on the impressions of how the citizens use the Smart Mirror, a systematic feedback was created using the UTAUT model. Here, the expected benefits (e.g., extrinsic motivation is evident among participants, but it is not clearly distinguishable from curiosity to use the Smart Mirror), ease of use (e.g., the Smart Mirror is easy for participants to use, but is mainly suitable for people taller than 160 cm), social influences (e.g., based on social factors such as conversation with the experiment leader and other visitors), as well as facilitating influencing factors (e.g., participants of all ages can operate the Smart Mirror effortlessly, thus behavioral control can be seen) were assessed. All age groups and genders were represented among the citizens. Based on this information, the subproject then evaluated behavioral intention and usage patterns. Based on systematic feedback, the subproject derived practical implementation proposals and a communication proposal for the Smart Mirror. This includes, among other things, the placement of the Smart Mirror in semi-public spaces, such as museums or citizens' offices.

Hints from practice

  • Allow sufficient time for the method. The creation of the questionnaire takes at least 1-2 hours depending on your experience, the measurement with UTAUT takes about 10-15 minutes per person and the time for the evaluation varies depending on the questions and previous knowledge in the evaluation.
  • A digital answering of the questionnaire simplifies the evaluation for you.
  • Conduct a pilot test to uncover ambiguities in the questionnaire and optimize the questionnaire accordingly.
  • Ideally, have a third person who was not involved in the development of the product conduct the evaluation in order not to influence the results.


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