

The "Center for Consumer Insight & Retail Excellence" (CECIRE), with its focus on consumer and retail research, was established in 2018 by Carmen-Maria Albrecht, Professor of Marketing and Fashion Retail, at the University of Applied Sciences Münster.

The constant change of markets and consumers requires a continuous analysis of the market environment and consumer behavior. To ensure competitiveness, companies must constantly tailor their actions to the needs of their customers and changes in the market.

We are pleased to support companies on this path by applying state-of-the-art research to current challenges in practice in order to develop scientifically based recommendations for companies.

About us

Foto von Carmen-Maria Albrecht
Photo: private archive

Prof. Dr. Carmen-Maria Albrecht 

Professor for Marketing & Fashion Retail

Carmen-Maria Albrecht is a professor at the Münster School of Business (MSB), where she gives lectures on marketing, consumer behavior, and retail management, among other subjects at the bachelors and masters level. Her research revolves mainly around consumer behavior, retail management and branding. She successfully completed her habilitation on experience marketing at the University of Mannheim, where she also studied and earned her doctorate. She spent longer periods abroad at Texas Tech University and Columbia University in the United States. She has been advising companies from various industries for more than 10 years and most recently worked for an international management consultancy in Munich.

E-mail: carmen-maria.albrechtfh-muensterde

Foto von Anna-Marie Klütz
Photo: private archive

Anna-Marie Klütz, M.A.

Anna-Marie Klütz is a research assistant and doctoral candidate at the CECIRE research center at the Münster School of Business (MSB). In addition to various teaching activities at both bachelors and masters level, Anna-Marie Klütz conducts research in the field of consumer behavior and digital branding. After her bachelor studies in media and business psychology in Cologne, she successfully completed her Master of Arts in International Marketing and Sales at the University of Applied Sciences Münster in 2020. She spent her time abroad at the University of Agder in Norway and has already gained initial professional experience in the field of consumer insights in a well-known international consumer goods group.

E-mail: anna-marie.kluetzfh-muensterde

Foto von Jan Blömker

Jan Blömker, M.Sc.
Jan Blömker joined the CECIRE research center at the Münster School of Business (MSB) in March 2021 as a research assistant and doctoral student. He first studied Business Psychology (B.Sc.) with a focus on market psychology and marketing at the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences. Afterwards he completed his master studies at the Harz University of Applied Sciences in consumer psychology & market research (M.Sc.). His main research interests are in the field of consumer decision-making and differential consumer psychology. Before taking up his position as a research assistant, he worked in the fields of corporate marketing and online marketing.

E-Mail: jan.bloemkerfh-muensterde

Foto von Lena Bäumer
Photo: private archive

Lena Bäumer, B.A.

Research assistant

Course of study: M.A. International Marketing and Sales

Foto von Tim Krummen
Photo: private archive

Tim Krummen, B.A.

Research assistant

Course of study: M.A. International Marketing and Sales

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