
Important information for all Students


All e-mails after enrollment will be sent exclusively to your UAS ID! So either check regularly or set up a forwarding (see MyFH portal).

First semester event:

You should definitely attend the welcome event on 25.09.2024 at 09:15 a.m. in the S-building / room S2 of the department. Here you will receive your first information about studying. You will get to know us, your fellow students, your teachers and other contacts at Münster UAS. Your mentors will guide you around the campus in groups and show you laboratories and other rooms.

Fire safety instruction:

In order for you to be able to carry out the practicals in the laboratory, it is necessary to undergo fire safety instruction and basic instruction in the handling of hazardous substances and disposal (compulsory!).

CIW from A-Z
Study plans,  course-module handbooks and forms, as well as other data can be found on CIW from A - Z

Black board
On the department Schwarzes Brett (Black board) you will always find the latest news about your studies, courses,  and events.

Telephone consultation by students for students and interested parties. Simply make an appointment by mail:

Maren Wieling - Bachelor Mentor


Wiktoria Walentyna Binczyk - Bachelor Mentor


Julian Goosmann - Bachelor Mentor


Thomas Mietla - Master Mentor


Interested parties can send a message by mail for the online consultation for a free initial consultation. Our mentors Maren Wieling, Wiktoria Walentyna Binczyk,and our mentor Thomas Mietla and Julian Goosmann all three students at the Department of Chemical Engineering, are available for questions about studying. A virtual meeting via Zoom can also take place by appointment.

Preliminary laboratory courses for chemical and industrial engineers
The Laboratory for Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry offers a pre-practicum course '' Basic Operations in the Chemical Laboratory''. More information will be provided during the introductory event for first semester students.

Pre-course in mathematics
The mathematics pre-course helps prepare first-year students enrolled in  an engineering program at the FH Muenster.
The Zoom access information will be provided to all enrolled students prior to the start of the course, as well as the assignment of a tutor, whom can be conacted via Zoom if necessary.

The program ''StudiTrainer'' includes a mentoring program and a guidebook that is offered exclusively to first semester students at the FH Muenster Steinfurt Campus.

Bachelor Transfer Students

In order to register for practicums and laboratory coursework, please contact Ms. Winter M.Sc. (olga.winterfh-muensterde)
Participation in the fire safety instruction couse is mandatory! Please contact the Dean's office  in order to register. For matters regarding the acceptance of transfer courses / placement,  please contact the Examination office. (Formula under CIW A-Z)

Master Chemical Engineering

On 04.10.2024 at 10:00 a.m. there will be a short introductory meeting in building D room 112. To facilitate your start into the Master's program, mentors will be available. You will get to know them and some professors during the introductory event. You will be shown around the Steinfurt campus and have enough time to ask questions.
Please choose your field of specialization in the myFH portal from 01.07.2023 to 31.10.2023. You can choose between Applied Chemistry and Chemical Processing.

Important facilities

The Steinfurt Campus Mensa (Canteen) is located in Building A. The FH Card can also be used as a Mensa Card.

The data processing center (DVZ) is your point of contact when it comes matters involving e-mail, WLAN, the myFH portal or hardware.

The University of Applied Sciences Muenster (FH Muenster)  libraries offer specialized literature in almost every field. The Steinfurt Campus has its own departmental library.

The International Office offers various programs for studying abroad, as well as language courses.

The General Student Committee (AStA) represents the interests of all students at the University of Applied Sciences Muenster.

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