Why should I change to the new examination regulations?

Some courses of the old examination regulations will soon no longer be offered. Therefore, we recommend a prompt transfer to the new examination regulations in order to make the further course of studies easier and more rounded. The new examination regulations also offer a more modern study programme with current topics.
For information: You can find the new and old examination regulations as well as the study plan for your subject on the following page:

When can I switch to the new examination regulations?

Students who are still enrolled in the old examination regulations (PO 2011) can change to the new examination regulations (PO 2019) at any time. There are no time limits.

What do I have to do to change to the new examination regulations?

If you would like to change from the old to the new examination regulations, please fill out the first page of the application for further studies.

Note on completing the form: In the upper section of page 1, note your current degree programme (e.g. Bachelor of Computer Science PO 2011) and in the lower section enter your enrolment in the new degree programme (e.g. Bachelor of Computer Science PO 2019). Electrical engineering students please add their specialisation.
Then send the signed application to the Examinations Office. The Examinations Office will then take care of the transfer and the recognition of your previous achievements.

Which achievements from the old examination regulations are recognised?

A large part of your previous achievements will be automatically recognised. The remaining modules will be accounted for according to the recognition table. Please note that failed attempts will also be booked. Achievements that are not recognised may possibly be taken over as an addition on your certificate at the end of your studies. The Examinations Office will inform you about this after you have handed in your thesis.
Note for student teachers: Please contact the Examinations Office regarding recognition.

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