For all enquiries, please contact
Email: pruefungsamt-etifh-muensterde or
Phone: +49 2551 962 854
Advisory services: Monday 9 - 10 am or by appointment
Head of the Examination Office
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Robert Nitzsche
Stegerwaldstraße 39, 48565 Steinfurt, Room: E 113
Tel: +49 2551 9-62247
Deputy of the Examination Office
Prof. Dr. Michael Tüxen
Stegerwaldstraße 39, 48565 Steinfurt, Room: E 130c
Tel: +49 2551 9-62550
Fax: +49 2551 9-62563
Examination secretariat
Sarah Büscher
Stegerwaldstraße 39, 48565 Steinfurt, Room: A210
Tel: +49 2551 9-62055
Svenja Nossek
Stegerwaldstraße 39, 48565 Steinfurt, Room: A213
Tel: +49 2551 9-62854
Substitute: Sarah Büscher
Tue-Fri: in the morning