What does LGBTQIA+ mean?

"LGBTQIA+" stands for a diversity of sexual orientations and gender identities. This abbreviation includes lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual/transgender, queer, intersex and asexual people. Unfortunately, they are often discriminated against because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. However, it is important to note that there are many other sexualities. The "+" at the end of "LGBTQIA+" symbolises the recognition and inclusion of people with other sexual orientations.


Love is everyone's choice It is of utmost importance to understand that people who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, who feel they are in the wrong body or who do not have a clear gender identity have the same value as heterosexual people. No one should be insulted or disadvantaged based on their sexual orientation or gender identity. It should make no difference if, for example, a man loves a man, a woman loves a woman, or if someone born in a female body identifies as a man. We are all human beings and deserve the same respect regardless of our individuality. Every individual should be accepted for who they are and not treated differently.

What does diversity mean?

Every person is unique and thus ensures diversity in our society.

Diversity refers to the variety and difference of people in various characteristics such as gender, age, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, religion, physical abilities, social background and world view. It is about recognising and valuing the differences and individual characteristics that make each person unique. Diversity promotes equality, inclusion and equity and involves recognising that every person has a right to be respected and treated fairly, regardless of their individual characteristics. It is about creating a society where every person has equal opportunities and participation and can develop their strengths and talents.

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