DAAD-Prize 2023 for Jovan Pekic from Serbia (Foto: private)

The DAAD Prize (Prize of the German Academic Exchange Service) is awarded to international students at FH Münster who, in addition to outstanding academic achievements, also distinguish themselves through social or intercultural commitment.

It is awarded once a year within the framework of the big "ausgezeichnet" - the official event for the awarding of all university prizes.

Target group are all international graduate students and doctoral students of the FH Münster.

The DAAD Prize is worth € 1000. Prize-winners are also awarded a certificate from the DAAD. The prize and the certificate are presented at an official award ceremony at FH Münster.

Nomination procedure:

Students must be nominated for the prize by a lecturer from their faculty. Students may not nominate themselves. If you believe you meet the award criteria, please contact one of your lecturers to see whether they would be willing to nominate you. In this case, your lecturer must then submit the following documents to the International Office:

  • A letter of recommendation (see Download)
  • Studienbescheinigung
  • Overview of current grades

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