
DAAD database and scholarships

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is the main scholarship provider for international students. Mainly advanced students or graduates can apply to the DAAD for a scholarship.
DAAD also offers a scholarship database: Foundations and organisations that fund young gifted and talented students are also important partners when it comes to study grants. They too offer scholarships for international students. However, the requirements vary from institution to institution; please contact them directly to find out the details. In contrast to other countries, universities in Germany rarely award scholarships.

STIBET Graduation Scholarship

The aim of end-of-study scholarships is to enable international students at FH Münster to complete their degree without having to worry about financial problems, while working at their Bachelor- or Masterthesis.

There are several application deadlines per year. The duration and amount of the scholarship depends on the available funds.

STIBET Scholarship for equal opportunities

The STIBET scholarship for equal opportunities provides one-off financial support of up to €1,000 to international students in special circumstances and challenges.

For application and further support, please contact Mrs Svetlana Mähner.

DAAD Prize

The DAAD Prize it awarded to international students every year.
In addition to excellent academic achievements, prize-winners are also characterised by their social or cross-cultural commitment.

The award is intended to highlight the enrichment for a broad public, that international students and doctoral candidates bring to the university community.


The Deutschlandstipendium is awarded to promote talented and committed students at state and state-recognised higher education institutions in Germany. Scholarships are allocated to students who not only have good grades, but who also demonstrate social commitment and special personal achievements - such as successfully overcoming obstacles in their educational biography.

Support in case of emergeny

In emergencies, students have various contact persons at their disposal. In addition to financial support, counselling for all life situations is offered:

Hardship scholarships in financial emergencies: On the recommendation of the AStA of FH Münster, the University Foundation "Qualität durch Lehre" awards the so-called hardship scholarship.

Furthermore, the AStA offers confidential and free social counselling for emergencies of all kinds.

Social counselling of "Studierendenwerk" (the student union): The social counselling of the student union offers counselling and help with financial and other emergencies.

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