
Chemical Engineering (M.Sc.)

The four semester long master degree course Chemical Engineering offers the opportunity of a further deepening of scientific knowledge in the areas of applied chemistry and chemical processing. The language of teaching is English.

German-Latin American Study Programme Business Administration (CALA)

The study programme CALA (Carrera Alemán-Latinoamericana de Administración) trains students to be business economists who, besides the economic expertise, gain knowledge of the economic, political, cultural and social specifics of Latin America. Students complete their studies with a double degree, a Bachelor of Arts awarded by FH Münster and the respective academic degree awarded by a Latin American partner university.

European Business Programme (EBP)

The European Business Programme has been in existence for more than 20 years and is an integrated economic study programme within Europe and around the world. Double degree courses are offered by partner universities.

International Engineering

The degree programme International Engineering with integrated study abroad, internship and double degree trains highly qualified graduates for various engineering disciplines, such as Mechanical or Environmental Engineering in an international environment.

International Marketing & Sales

The Master International Marketing & Sales is a specialist degree supporting management in the global business world in particular. Main subjects are Marketing, Sales and Customer Relationship Management. A semester abroad is obligatory and a double degree is possible.

Photonics (Master)

Our master degree programme offers you training in engineering physics that covers virtually all areas of photonics. We attach great importance to a sound education with a specific emphasis on practice. Photonics is a collective term for all optical technologies, i.e. classic optics, laser technology and non-linear optics. These technologies form the basis of a dynamically growing industry. Optical data transmission via optical fibres, the use of high-powered lasers to cut, weld and drill all kinds of materials, the development of LED lighting and the use of photovoltaics are just a few examples of the industrial and commercial use of photonics. Our degree programme is perfectly designed to meet the requirements of industrial research and development.

Materials Science and Engineering

Core modules of the Master Materials Science and Engineering include solid state physics, polymer science, anorganic material chemistry, characterization of materials via spectroscopic methods or electron microscopy, materials science and nanotechnology. A considerable part of practical training in our laboratories and research projects provide practical teaching from the beginning.

Double Degrees at Partner Universities

Besides the offers mentioned above, students have the opportunity to reach a degree at an international partner university additional to their degree at FH Münster. Double degrees are possible in the following study programmes and the respective partner university:

FH Münster Department Study Programme
Partner University
Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering (Bachelor) Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (UPB), Colombia
Civil Engineering Civil Engineering (Bachelor) Universidad de País Vasco, Spain
Energy, Building Services, Environmental Engineering Building Services (Bachelor) Tongji University (über CDHAW), China
Münster School of Architecture Architecture (Master) Cracow University of Technology, Poland

Our international study programmes in the CHE ranking

If you want to find out how our international programmes score in the CHE university ranking, please follow the link and click through the websites of the DAAD. It is also a good tool to assess whether a programme fits your specific interests.

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