Where do our international students come from?
Chart no 1: countries of origin of all international students
(This chart is available from wintersemester 2020/21.)
Chart no 2: countries of origin of students who have received their higher education entrance qualification abroad
Chart no 3: countries of origin of international students who have reiveceived a German higher education entrance qualification
Chart no 4: quantity of international students according to their departments
- Evaluation "International students" WS 2023/24 (pdf, 307.82 KB)
- Evaluation "International students" WS 2022/23 (pdf, 318.3 KB)
- Evaluation "International students" WS 2021/22 (pdf, 275.66 KB)
- Evaluation "International students" WS 2020/21 (pdf, 0.74 MB)
- Evaluation "International students" WS 2019/20 (pdf, 218.03 KB)
- Evaluation "International students" WS 2018/19 (pdf, 183.54 KB)
- Evaluation "International students" WS 2017/18 (pdf, 211.21 KB)