
Abgesagt - Erasmus Days - The Power of Gestures

14. Oktober 2024

Zum Thema

In today's globalized world, effective communication goes far beyond language. Gestures, as a form of non-verbal communication, play a crucial role in conveying meaning across different cultures. In an intercultural workshop on The Power of Gestures, participants will explore how body language, facial expressions, and hand movements can communicate various emotions, messages, and even cultural values.


Gestures are powerful because they often speak louder than words, yet their meaning can differ significantly between cultures. For instance, a thumbs-up might be seen as a positive sign in Western cultures, symbolizing approval or success, but in other parts of the world, it can be considered offensive. Similarly, the gesture of nodding, which generally indicates agreement in many cultures, can signal disagreement or confusion in others.

The workshop will emphasize how important it is to be aware of these differences, especially in professional or social settings. Participants will engage in interactive exercises where they can learn and practice understanding the subtle yet powerful impact of gestures. Through role-playing and observation, attendees will experience firsthand how the same gesture can evoke different responses depending on cultural context.




Workshop language is English.


all students of FH Münster who are interested in a fun and active intercultural training



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Rahmendaten der Veranstaltung
Veranstalter:International Office
AnsprechpartnerInnen, DozentInnen, ReferentInnen und Seminarleitung

  • Karolin Boom M.A.
  • Karolin Boom M.A.
  • Dr. Andreas Hövener M.A.
  • Fachhochschulzentrum (FHZ)
    Corrensstraße 25
    48149 Münster
  • Raum: C404
Termin(e), Uhrzeiten
14. Oktober 202417:00 - 19:00 Uhr

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