
Brief overview

Degree Master of Science (M.Sc.)
University location Steinfurt (35 km from Münster)
Type of study consecutive full-time degree
Language of instruction English
Regulatory period of study 4 semesters
Credits 120 credits
Start of study Each WS
Start of lectures last week of September, beginning of October
Course content Solid state physics, polymer science
Study entry phase Taster studies, mentoring - & tutoring programs
Costs Semester fee
Special feature

Stays abroad
double degree
doctoral opportunities

Study content and course

Hier ist der Studienverlaufsplan des Masterstudiengangs Materials Science and Engineering zu sehen.

In our download center you will find, among other things, examination regulations, module handbooks, study plans, flyers and much more.

Please note that this is a preliminary lecture schedule. You are advised to check the current information on your courses in myFH-Portal.
From student applications and semester organization to the management of IT services - our myFH portal delivers functions and services for the entire university.

At ILIAS you will find materials (internship documents, lecture notes, slides) for your events. However, you should also orient yourself in the respective specialist areas.

Below you find the currently latest status of the exam schedule. You will find fixed dates, the final form of examination, fixed times and registration in the myFH portal. Please refer to the following PDF for the registration periods for the exams.

Registration is possible via myFH. There you will also find information about passed exams and your grade report. In this portal you can also register for the internship events/electives.

For admission to examinations or as a component of some module examinations, participation/study performance in the internships or practical exercises provided for the respective subject must be proven to the required minimum extent.
In the A-Z you will find, among other things, our examination regulations, as well as other forms and plans.

Laboratories and institutions

Here is a listing of the laboratories and research institutes that are important to the program.
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