
Get there

The Leonardo Campus

Münster School of Design (MSD)
Leonardo-Campus 6
48149 Münster

Bus information

From the central station you need to take the bus 9 or R72 or R73. Any other connections you can find at the bus company´s website:

Get in touch

International Office

The International Reception Service Team of FH Münster (FHiRST) is a part of the International Office and helps you to get started more easily, offering guidance and assistance before and during your stay in Münster:

The International Office, as you probably already know, will be available for all questions outside the MSD. It will provide you with a lot of information about administrative procedures for example application, enrollment, finding accomodation and even german language courses:

International Student Advisor (MSD)

If you have any questions regarding your studies at the MSD please contact:

Kerstin Stute, Room ZG 104, Leonardo-Campus 6, 48149 Münster, kerstin.stutefh-muensterde

Student Association - FSR7

You can find the FSR7 (Student Association) in room EG 057 on the first floor. They will help you getting to know the workshops, seminar rooms and help you out with any kind of questions.

Opening hours and important dates at the MSD

Get online

Internet Connection

To use the wifi network at the MSD, you will need a user name and password. After having registered, you will get your certificate of matriculation, where you can find all these details. Once logged into the "eduroam"-wifi network, you are able to access the internet at a number of locations across the campus. If you have problems with your network access, please contact:

E-Mail Account

Your e-mail account at FH Münster requires you to use the same username and password that you need to log into the "eduroam"-network.

Here you can install a forwarding to your private e-mail account:

Get to know

Access to myFH-Portal

The myFH-portal is the internet portal of FH Münster - University of Applied Sciences for students, teachers and employees. The required user name and password is the same you use for your e-mail account.

Registration for courses

The MSD offers four branches of studies: communication design, media design, product design and illustration.

In each branch we offer a course in english - both in design techniques and in design projects.

Incoming students choose their courses using a form which they receive by e-mail before the information day of design projects and techniques.

Please return the completed form to the e-mail address provided (please note the deadline).

At the information day for design projects and techniques, the upcoming lectures are presented by our dean and our lecturers.

An exchange semester in English language is set-up as follows:
International students with a high level of German can choose from all the courses we offer - both in English and German.

Forum Gestaltung

Our "Forum Gestaltung" program features famous guests from all around Europe. Every other week you are invited to listen to interesting talks all around design, illustration, photography and more. Keep your eye out for posters for more information or use the link below:

What do I need for my studies at Münster School of Design?

  • Laptop/Tablet
  • Sketchbook
  • Favourite pencils
  • Drawing materials

We recommend that you have the option to use the Adobe Creative Cloud software, especially Photoshop, Illustrator, Acrobat and Indesign on your laptop.


Module examinations take place at the end of the semester.

You will be informed about the registration period and the procedure by e-mail.

Transcript of Records

Before you leave MSD, please give us some information by e-mail:

  • Name of your Home University
  • Name of your Home Faculty
  • Name of your Coordinator
  • your complete mailing address

Once the Transcript of Records is finished, we will send it to you by mail (or if sufficed by e-mail).

Get to work


The good thing about the MSD: we have a lot of new and well-equipped workshops and you are free to try all of them.

In every workshop you will find at least one responsible tutor who is ready to help you with any problem. So please, don´t hesitate to ask!

Every workshop has its own opening hours that can differ from semester to semester. Some of these, the screen printing workshop for example, require you to make an appointment with the responsible person.

Please check notes at the workshop´s doors for more information or ask the responsible person or other students.


At the Leonardo Campus you will also find the library that integrates the departments of design, architecture and arts.

You can expect a variety of books, magazines and digital media. These should prove to be quite helpful for all of your studies. You want to borrow books? To obtain your library card, all you need to do is present your student ID at the library counter. The common lending period is four weeks. The library offers training sessions that will help you use the library catalogue and other search tools. We recommend attending one, simply ask at the library counter for more information.

Any questions?

Please don´t hesitate to contact us! We will be happy to help you.
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