
Department of Food · Nutrition · Facilities

Corrensstraße 25, 48149 Münster, Room: D 405

Tel: +49 251 83-65415
Fax: +49 251 83-65424


Field of teaching and research: Nachhaltige Ernährungssysteme, Ernährungsökologie

Prof. Dr. oec. troph. Carola Strassner


Bachelor of Science Degree Programme

  • BD3:    Catering for Communities - Settings (German)
  • EG3:    Nutrition Ecology lectures and field trips (German)
  • WPE1: Hunger: A Global Challenge (Nutrition in Disasters)
  • WPE2: Nutrition: A Window on Culture
  • WP10: School Food Systems (German)

Master of Science Degree Programme

  • N09:  Challenges to sustainable food systems from a global perspective (German)
  • N11:   Current Issues pertaining to Sustainability in Food Business (German)
  • NW14: Producing sustainably in the food system (German)
  • NW17: Sustainability in Hotels, Restaurants and Catering Services (German)
  • NW18: Ecology and Sustainability (German)

Projects and Theses in all courses

  • can be written in German or English, various topics are available, own topic suggestions are possible, more information during office hours for students


Supervision of your Internship: information during office hours for students


Additional information can be found in our LSF portal (https://lsf.fh-muenster.de) and on the  notice board next to my office.

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