Content and Structure
As a real estate and facility manager you are working in a wide variety of areas in a rapidly growing industry: Industry, service providers, airports, hospitals, retail market, consultans, event locations or shopping malls.
Companies recognize their real estate as a value initself and want to achieve rate of return. Therefore, they need facility manager to guarantee a proper management.
The main target of facility management is to integrate real estate as a strategic resource into the entire process of the company. In this context life cycle management is a key element for sustainable facility management to avoid excessive costs.
The master degree programme is directed at students with a relevant Bachelor degree, who are looking for a practice-oriented supplementary qualification in the field of facility management. The programme is especially job oriented for management positions.
In the master courses - apart from operative and strategic facility management - students also gain a particular understanding of the corporate real estate-, procurement management or integral planning. We offer electives to enhance students profile and to develop their professional skills.
We focus on a close contact between students and teachers, work in small groups, and an intensive advising. Our degree programme offers seminars, case studies and practical projects which are in part conducted with renowned companies. In addition to this excursions, trade fairs and conferences complete the programme.
Electives in our master degree programme are offered as business oriented projects. According to actual trends and potential cooperation between faculty and companies students find various offerings which are published at the beginning of each term.
In their final term students have to do their masterthesis and obtain a Master of Science (M. Sc). degree.
Our degree programmes are certified under the terms of GEFMA (German Facility Management).
Standard period of study: Four terms
Study cycle: Spring term (March), application deadline 15th January
Autumn term (October), application deadline 15th July
Study fees: No tuition fees (except 260 Euro/term semester fee)
Admission restrictions: Yes
Pre-study internship: Eight weeks relevant work experience
Entry requirements: German authorization for university entrance
First higher education degree
Workload: 120 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System)
Each successfully completed module is rewarded with five credits of the ECTS.
Language: German
Entry requirements
To be eligible for selection, applicants are required to:
- German authorization for university entrance
For more information:
Sometimes it is necessary to participate in a one-year preparatory course. It is intended to determine whether an applicant has the required subcejt knowledge and language proficiency to study at a German higher eduction institution.
For more information: Preparatory course/Assessment test
German language entry requirements
International students who speak German as a foreign language must have obtained on one of the following standards:
- TestDaF (German as a Foreign Language Test),level 4
- DSH (German language test for admission to higher education), level 2
- "Deutsche Sprachdiplom (Level II) of the KMK" (taken at German schools abroad)
- "Kleine Deutsche Sprachdiplom" or "Große Deutsche Sprachdiplom" from the Goethe Institute
- "Zentrale Oberstufenprüfung" (ZOP) from the Goethe Institute and "Goethe-Zertifikat C2-GDS" respectively
- "telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule"
- UNICERT Certificate Level III or IV for German (at universities)
- Aptitute test in the preparatory course before studies (Studienkolleg), minimum grade 4 in German
For more informations about German language entry requirements: Pre-study German course
International guest students spend one or two semester studying at Münster University of Applied Sciences without intending to complete a degree need at least Level B1 German language competences. (Evidence of language proficiency may be issued by the home university or a Goethe-Institut in the home country.)
Specific requirements
Applicants need eight weeks relevant work experience and a first higher education degree with a minimum grade of 2,5 (according to the German grading system).
Programme structure
I01 Strategic facility management - instruments and planning
I06 Strategic facility management - public private partnership
I02 Operational facility management - Tendering and procurement
I03 Research methods
I04 Human resource management
I07 Business process management
I08 Management techniques
I10 Corporate real estate management
I11 Facility economics
I12 Building, contract, procurement law
I13 Integral planning
I14 Sustainability and green building
I15 Procurement management in facility management
I05 Project A
I09 Project B
IW1 Hybrid offerings and added value
IW2 Operational management
IW3 Project management
IW5 Contemporary issues in facility management
IW 6 Project facility management
IW7 Service Engineering / Consumer Facility Management
IW8 Service level - Case study Bayer Real Estate GmbH
IW9 Waste management in housing economy
MW02 Contemporary issues in service management
NW14 Producing sustainbly in the food system
50179 Automation systems
50229 Management and operation of heating installations
P2 Cost accounting
P3 Financial management
W07 Management of stress and conflicts
W08 Innovation management