
15 September 2021 | Szczecin

During the course of the international, collaborative research project "Digital Innovation for the Service Sector", co-funded by the European Commission, the team of the S2BMRC under the management of Dr Sue Rossano-Rivero has conducted in-depth research on innovation processes. With the aim to map an up-to-date innovation process in the complex landscape of digital innovation and service innovation, Judith Helmer and Thuong Huynh investigated 25 selected innovation process models. Overall, the research resulted in a three-level process which gives an overview while adding rich details in the sub-steps. 6 steps on the first level, 19 steps on the second level, and over 80 steps on the third level have been identified.

The results and developed model were combined in the conference paper "Innovating digitally for services: A review of innovation process literature focused on digital innovation and service innovation" as part of the 25th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems (KES Conference 2021) in Szczecin, Poland. Next to Judith Helmer and Thuong Huynh, the co-authors Assistant Prof. Dr Katarzyna Łobacz, Dr Burcu Kör, and Prof. Dr Ingrid Wakkee contributed to the development of the paper. Published in the conference proceedings "Procedia Computer Science 192 (5)", the main findings were presented by Judith Helmer in the invited session "Information, Innovation and Technology as a basis for sustainable business and society" during the course of the conference from 8th to 10th September 2021.

The conference encompassed a broad spectrum of intelligent systems related subjects split into 47 invited sessions. Feeling honoured to be able to present the research results and to engage in interesting discussions in the scientific community, the team would like to thank the conference board for the great organisation of this hybrid event.

If you would like to learn more about the Erasmus+ Strategic Alliances Project "Digital Innovation for the Service Sector", feel free to visit our project website and other related news articles:

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