The sub-project "Community between tradition and change (Village 4.0)" developed the idea of a village app in mü together with the residents of the Ellewick-Crosewick community. This idea came about through the World Café method. The village app should contain functions such as a carpooling center, village groups, a calendar of events. During the course of the project, those responsible for the project have already made great progress in developing a prototype. Before the technical implementation of the prototype, the user-friendliness was tested by the villagers - later users. For this purpose, the subproject used the usability test. Beforehand, those responsible for the project developed a detailed concept for the usability test. The concept addresses the test object, the question, the basic usability of the app, the selection of the test subjects and contains a detailed interview guide. Due to the physical distance, the usability testing was conducted online. The test subjects were given various tasks to perform on the prototype, such as: "You want to know what is happening in your village on October 14. How do you go about it?"; or "You want to go to Enschede and are looking for a ride. How do you look for this information in the app?" Participants expressed their thoughts aloud during the test scenarios. This allowed the project managers to identify some ambiguities that will be helpful to them in the further development of the village app. Finally, a general evaluation and subjective impressions of the village app were asked for using a questionnaire. Overall, the project managers were able to gather very useful insights for the further development of the app through the usability test.