In the development of a collaboration, role asymmetries due to unequal distribution of power and control may be perceived as a major transfer barrier (Kurzhals et al., 2021, in reference to Israel et al., 1998 and Strier, 2010). In addition, a lack of definition of the general distribution of roles and the uncertainty that accompanies it can make collaboration difficult (Kurzhals et al., 2021, in reference to Kindred & Petrescu, 2015). Additionaly to general, unclear responsibilities and role asymmetries, inadequate project leadership can significantly inhibit the success of a collaborative project (Kurzhals et al., 2021, in reference to Babiak & Thibault, 2009). Adequate project leadership is an accelerant for transdisciplinary collaboration, so conversely, the absence of such leadership is a barrier to transfer (Kurzhals et al., 2021, in reference to Winters et al., 2016).


Tools that address and overcome the transfer barrier

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