

How can I find my position using a map and a compass? How does a local radio navigation system work? How can I estimate the accuracy, availability and sensitivity of such systems? How does a global navigation system (e.g. GPS) work? Are there other navigation systems I can rely on and what are the system elements? The module "Satellite Navigation Basics" gives the students the theoretical background and shows the practical relevance of satellite navigation systems, based on applications and examples. In this module you will learn to determine your position with different aids. We will start with classical navigation methods. Afterwards, principles of radio navigation are introduced stepwise starting with stationary transmitters. The major part of the lecture is devoted to current and upcoming Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSSs) like GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and Beidou.


  • Traditional Navigation using landmarks, maps, compass, …
  • Coordinate systems
  • Solution of the central naviation equation
  • Required information for position estimation
  • How is the required information transmitted from the satellite to the receiver?
  • Applications of satellite navigation and their requirements
  • Signal structure and signal components
  • Dependency of accuracy and availability on Signal parameters 
  • Signal propagation: Attenuation, Multipath
  • Existing satellite navigation systems
Concept and Quality Assessment of Receiver Position Estimation


  • First examples of navigation and position estimation using classical tools
  • GPS data recording
  • Progamming of MATLAB functions for different receiver tasks
  • Analysis of measurement data and extraction of navigation data
  • Development of a GPS-based clock

Time Table

  • Extent: 2 SWS Lecture, 2 SWS Hands-On
  • Time Table
    • Lecture: No Lecture during this Semester
    • Hands-on: No Hands-On during this Semester


  • Zogg, J.M, GPS und GNSS: Grundlagen der Ortung und Navigation, uBlox, 2011.
  • Borre, K., et al., A Software-Defined GPS and Galileo Receiver: A Single-Frequency Approach, Birkhäuser Boston, 2006.
  • Misra, P., Enge, P., Global Positioning System: Signals, Measurements and Performance, Ganga-Jamuna, 2001.
  • Mansfeld, Satellitenortung und Navigation: Grundlagen, Wirkungsweise und Anwendung globaler Satellitennavigationssysteme, 2010.
  • Kaplan, E., Unterstanding GPS: Principles and Applications, 2006.
  • Parkinson, B., Global Positioning System: Theory and Application, 1996.
  • Hofmann-Wellenhof, B., Global Positioning System: Theory and Practice, 2001.
  • Tsui, J. B.-Y., Fundamentals of Global Positioning System Receivers: A Software Approach, 2005.
  • Zeitschrift: GPS Solutions
  • Internet: www.ion.org

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