Before your arrival

Applying for a visa

Depending on your home country, you may need a visa to enter Germany. It is strongly recommended to apply for your visa as early as possible because the processing of the application can often take some time. When applying for a visa, proof must be provided that the student has sufficient funds to study in Germany (at the moment around 860€ per month). The German diplomatic missions in your home country can provide further information about how to apply for a visa.

How to find a room

The growing number of students makes it difficult to find accommodation in Münster. The demand for affordable housing is high in student cities. We recommend you start looking for accommodation early and try as many options as you can.

The FH Münster has a contingent of 40 rooms in student housing per year at Studierendenwerk in Münster and Steinfurt. The allocation of the rooms is decided according to the first-come-first-serve principle and is managed by the Studierendenwerk Münster.

Are you interested in a room from our contingent? In this case, the following rules apply to you:

  1. Please apply as soon as possible at the Studentenwerk Münster under the following link:

Chose möbliertes Einzelzimmer (funished room) in the student housing Wilhelmskamp in Münster or at Stegerwaldstraße 27 in Steinfurt. If you wish to live in Steinfurt, where some faculties like Chemical Engineering, Computer Science or Mechanical Engineering are situated, you have to choose Steinfurt.

IMPORTANT: Please chose "Erasmus/Austausch" under "Programm", so that we can find you on the correct list. 

  1. The rental periods correlate with the duration of the semester at FH Münster. This means the rental period can only start on the 1st of September or on the 1st of March. The minimum duration of the contract is 6 months (i.e. the contract ends on the 28th of February or on the 31st of August). The lecture and exam periods are within this time frame.
  1. If a room is assigned to you, you will receive written information by the Studierendenwerk Münster. Please respond immediately to the offer, otherwise the room will be assigned to student on our waiting list!
  1. The rental agreement will be between you and the Studierendenwerk Münster. An early termination of the rental agreement is only possible in case of an emergency (e.g. death in the family) and in agreement with the International Office.

If our contingent is used up without you receiving an offer, you are listed on the waiting list of the Studierendenwerk Münster, but will only receive an offer if a room is available. If you have further questions regarding the terms of the contract, the International Office will be glad to help you.

Find some useful links to help you find accomodation:

Health insurance

All international students need a health insurance to be able to get enrolled at the FH Münster.

Germany has signed an agreement on health insurance with the EU member states and some other countries. Students from these countries are entitled to a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) and therefore do not need any additional health insurance - they are covered in Germany. 

Students from non-EU countries who have taken out a private international health insurance in their home country or a private health insurance in Germany must have their documents checked by a German statutory health insurance company in Münster / Steinfurt as to whether the insurance benefits are sufficient and valid. A written confirmation will then be issued in German or English, which exempts the student from compulsory health insurance.

An Accident and Personal Liability insurance is also recommended during your stay in Germany.

Living costs

For your stay in Münster / Steinfurt, it is recommended to plan with a monthly budget of around 860€. The cost of living can vary depending on your type of accommodation and your lifestyle. The main part of your budget will be allocated to your rent (around a third).

The estimated monthly costs are listed below:

Accomodation and utility bills

  330 €


  150 €


   50 €

Learning material

   20 €

Health insurance

  110 €

Mobile phone, Internet

  30 €

Culture and entertainment

  60 €

Radio and TV Licence

  17 €


  767 €

During your stay at Münster and Steinfurt

Registration at Citizens' Office

Once you found your permanent accommodation for the semester, you must register at the Einwohnermeldeamt (Registration Office) within 7 days.
You will need to bring your passport, the printed "Anmeldung bei der Meldebehörde" document (registration at the Registration Office) and a Wohnungsgeberbescheinigung (certificate of residence signed by your landlord).

Residence permit

Students who came with a visa must apply for a residence permit at the Ausländerbehörde (Foreigners Registration Office) of their place of residence within 90 days. As part of your residence permit application, you need documents that prove you have the required amount of money to cover living costs (for example blocked bank account, Declaration of Commitment, scholarship).

You have to request an appointment at the Foreigners Registration Office in Münster online: make sure to request an appointment as soon as possible after your arrival. You will receive a reply within a week. In Steinfurt, you should receive an invitation for an appointment via post mail after your registration at the Citizen's Office. For other places of residence, please contact the Ausländerbehörde directly and ask for an appointment.

Opening a bank account

After arriving in Münster / Steinfurt, we recommend you to open a local bank account in any bank of your choice. This will be helpful for paying your rent (e.g. for your room at a dorm of Studierendenwerk Münster) or for paying for groceries etc. Opening a bank account for students under 25 years of age is free of cost.

Media licence fee

All citizens, companies and institutions in Germany must contribute to the financing of public radio and television programmes. This is not related to individuals having or using such devices (television, radio, computer); each household must pay a contribution.

International students too must pay for this "Rundfunkbeitrag" (Radio and TV Licence), which is 17.50€ per month. The amount is collected by "ARD ZDF Deutschlandradio Beitragsservice". You will receive a letter with a request for payment after you have moved in and registered your address with the citizens' office. However, if you share an apartment, only one person needs to register and pay and you can share the fee. In the student dorms, every student has to pay.

Working in Germany

A student job will enable you to make some money, get to know Germany better and make contacts. EU students are allowed to work max. 20h per week. Non-EU students are allowed to work max. 120 full days (8 hours per day) / 240 half days (4 hours per day) per year.

Downloading of films and music

Downloading copyrighted music and films is illegal in Germany and will be prosecuted. Unauthorised distribution can be punished with up to 3 years imprisonment or a fine (§ 106 UrhG). This applies also for online exchange services, since users have to make the data they downloaded available for upload.

Contact numbers in case of emergency

Here you can find all the important emergency numbers at a glance (e.g. Police, Fire Brigade, Ambulance, Poison control, Child and teen helpline, Blocking credit cards etc.).

Successful start at FH Münster

Access to myFH-Portal

Following your enrolment, you will receive an email from the Service Office for Students in which you will find a link to access the myFH-Portal, where you will be able to download your Studienbescheinigung (Certificate of Enrolment) and your Semesterticket (Public Transport Pass). Your username and password will enable you to connect to the internet at FH Münster.

FH Card

To receive your FH Münster Student Card, you must upload a passport photo in the myFH-Portal.

The FH Münster Student Card will provide you with the following benefits:

  1. Student I.D. - You can clearly prove your student status and receive discounts for theatre, cinema, swimming pool…
  2. Cafeteria - You can use your Student Card to pay your food and drinks at the Mensa (Cafeteria).
  3. Library - You can use your Student Card to lend and return books in the libraries of FH Münster.
  4. Printing and photocopying - You can use your Student Card to pay copies and prints at the various copy machines accessible at FH Münster.

Semester ticket

The "Semesterticket" (Public Transport Pass) allows you to use the regional public transport throughout the semester free of costs including buses, tramways, railways, subways and regional trains in all of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), and additionally all the way to Osnabrück or Enschede, Netherlands.

You also have the possibility to take another person or a bicycle with you on buses within the Münster city area

  • on weekdays from 7 p.m.
  • on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays all day until 3 a.m. (arrival time).

Libraries of FH Münster

The University Library operates a total of 4 libraries which are organised by subject area and correspond to the Departments or Schools at which they are located.

University sports

The "Hochschulsport" (University Sports) offers students a wide range of sports activities at a great price. You can access the Campus-Gym for a fixed monthly price; other sports classes must be paid for individually.

Registration: Registration for sports classes must be done online. A "Teilnahmeticket" (Participant's ID) will be issued and must be printed and shown at every sports class. Should you encounter any problem regarding registration (difficulties with the German language, no German bank account or registration number yet), please contact the Hochschulsport staff:

Phone number: 0251/83 38383;

Email address: hsp.supportuni-muensterde

The deadline for registration to sports classes is published on the homepage of the Hochschulsport website before each semester starts. Please note: early registration is strongly advised - popular classes fill up quickly!

German courses and language tandem "Meet2Speak"

FH Münster offers a wide range of courses and possibilities for students to learn or improve their language skills. International students can improve their German skills by joining an intensive course at the beginning of the semester as well as a more comprehensive course which takes place throughout the semester. Apart from that, the International Office also offers a language tandem "Meet2Speak". It is a fun way to improve your language skills and discover interesting things about your tandem partner's home country.

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