The growing number of students makes it difficult to find accommodation in Münster. The demand for affordable housing is high in student cities. We recommend you start looking for accommodation early and try as many options as you can.
The FH Münster has a contingent of 40 rooms in student housing per year at Studierendenwerk in Münster and Steinfurt. The allocation of the rooms is decided according to the first-come-first-serve principle and is managed by the Studierendenwerk Münster.
Are you interested in a room from our contingent? In this case, the following rules apply to you:
- Please apply as soon as possible at the Studentenwerk Münster under the following link:
Chose möbliertes Einzelzimmer (funished room) in the student housing Wilhelmskamp in Münster or at Stegerwaldstraße 27 in Steinfurt. If you wish to live in Steinfurt, where some faculties like Chemical Engineering, Computer Science or Mechanical Engineering are situated, you have to choose Steinfurt.
IMPORTANT: Please chose "Erasmus/Austausch" under "Programm", so that we can find you on the correct list.
- The rental periods correlate with the duration of the semester at FH Münster. This means the rental period can only start on the 1st of September or on the 1st of March. The minimum duration of the contract is 6 months (i.e. the contract ends on the 28th of February or on the 31st of August). The lecture and exam periods are within this time frame.
- If a room is assigned to you, you will receive written information by the Studierendenwerk Münster. Please respond immediately to the offer, otherwise the room will be assigned to student on our waiting list!
- The rental agreement will be between you and the Studierendenwerk Münster. An early termination of the rental agreement is only possible in case of an emergency (e.g. death in the family) and in agreement with the International Office.
If our contingent is used up without you receiving an offer, you are listed on the waiting list of the Studierendenwerk Münster, but will only receive an offer if a room is available. If you have further questions regarding the terms of the contract, the International Office will be glad to help you.
Find some useful links to help you find accomodation: