The project links the problem of skills shortages with the untapped potential of international students.
Your advantages through the INTERLOCALITY project:
- Well-prepared students with German degrees and international backgrounds
- More successful "matchings" with international students/graduates of the FH Münster through events
- Increased willingness and ability to accept intern. students and graduates Skilled workers through further training of your staff
- Shorter time for filling vacancies
This is how you can participate:
- Study on the needs of FH students and local employers in a European comparison.
- Model for a monitoring system for student success
- Networking opportunities with the target group of international students/graduates
- Possible participation in a mentoring network
You can already counter the shortage of skilled workers and get in touch with international students.
As part of the project, various events are organised for companies:
- Meet & Match Internationals @Münsterland
- Staff Training