Books / Book Contributions

  • Kurzhals, K., Uude, K., Sormani, E., Chak, C. M., & Banze, M. (2022). Das Co-Creation Toolbook: Methoden für eine erfolgreiche Kooperation zwischen Hochschule und Gesellschaft (p. 263). Springer Nature.

  • Kurzhals, Kerstin, Uude, Katrin, Sormani, Eva, Maggie Chak Choiwai, Banze Madleen (2021): Science/Society Toolbook. Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft erfolgreich verbinden. Münster, Germany (Preprint).

  • Baaken, Thomas, Buła, Piotr, Kurzhals, Kerstin, Lyszczarz & Halina (Hrsg.) (2019): Management Sciences and Future Challenges. Festschrift anlässlich des 30jährigen Jubiläums der Kooperation der Wirtschaftsuniversität Krakau und der Fachhochschule Münster, Münster, Germany (Preprint).

  • Göksen, Sultan, Martina, Richard & Sormani, Eva (2019): Exploring the design elements for developing educational escape rooms for experimental entrepreneurship education, in: Baaken, Thomas, Buła, Piotr, Kurzhals, Kerstin & Lyszczarz, Halina (Hrsg.): Management Sciences and Future Challenges. Festschrift anlässlich des 30jährigen Jubiläums der Kooperation der Wirtschaftsuniversität Krakau und der Fachhochschule Münster, Münster, Germany.
  • Kurzhals, Kerstin & Siebert, Joanna (2019): The influence of the presence of women in boards of directors on the firm performance in publicly listed enterprises in Poland and Germany, in: Baaken, Thomas, Buła, Piotr, Kurzhals, Kerstin & Lyszczarz, Halina (Hrsg.): Management Sciences and Future Challenges. Festschrift anlässlich des 30jährigen Jubiläums der Kooperation der Wirtschaftsuniversität Krakau und der Fachhochschule Münster, Münster, Germany.
  • Stahl, Lisa, Blank, Julia, Sormani, Eva, Kurzhals, Kerstin & Schröder, Carsten (2019): Bund-Länder-Initiative mü, in: Innovationsregion Münsterland - Methoden und Instrumente regionaler Innovationsförderung, ed. by Büdding, Bernd & Junker, Christian (Hrsg.), Münster, Germany.


Paper / Journal Articles

  • Kurzhals, Kerstin, Uude, Katrin, Chak, Chaoiwai Maggie & Sormani, Eva (2021). Gemeinsam.zukunft.gestalten. Die wesentlichen Stolpersteine in transdisziplinären Kooperationen kennen und vermeiden. Münster, Germany.

  • Kurzhals, Kerstin & Uude, Katrin (2021): What impedes a successful Third Mission? Identifying and avoiding the main barriers in transdisciplinary cooperation. Presentation at UIIN Conference 2021, 14.-16.06.2021, Amsterdam, Netherlands (digital).

  • Sormani, Eva & Uude, Katrin (2020): Academics´ motivation for collaboration in partnerships and knowledge exchange: leverage or bargaining chip? Presentation at ISIRC Conference, 01-03.09.2020 in Sheffield, United Kingdom (virtual).
  • Chak, Choiwai Maggie & Carminai, Lara (2020): Performing in Community-Academic Health Partnerships: Interplay of Clear, Difficult and Valued Goals. Presentation at 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management 2020, 07.-11.08.2020, Vancouver, Canada (Virtual).
  • Martina, Richard, Göksen, Sultan & Sormani, Eva (2020): How to develop an educational Escape Room for Entrepreneurship Education? Presentation at USASBE 2020, 03.-07.01.2020, New Orleans, United States.
  • Sormani, Eva (2019): Looking beyond monetary rewards to engage academics in collaboration with Society, working paper presentation at the isbe 2019 conference on "SPACE - exploring new frontiers and entrepreneurial places", 14. and 15.11.2019, Newcastle, United Kingdom.
  • Sormani, Eva, Baaken, Marieke, Baaken, Thomas & Stroila, Iulia (2019): Nudging in the Context of Fostering Student Entrepreneurship as Part of the Third Mission of Higher Education Institutions, presentation at High Tech Small Firm Conference 2019, 27. and 28.05.2019, Enschede, the Netherlands.
  • Sormani, Eva, Baaken, Marieke, Baaken, Thomas & Okamoto,Sanae (2018): The Potential of Nudging for the Engaged University presentation at the UIIN University-Industry-Innovation-Network Conference, 21-23.06.2018 in London, United Kingdom.

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