Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Quicker
Dipl.-Ing. Battogtokh Zayat-Vogel

The thermochemical processing of compound concentrates containing metals in mixed wastes is to be investigated within the framework of the research co-operation at the Energy Resources Technology Teaching and Research Division. The resource potential of both dry and wet de-ashed waste incineration plant slags is to be demonstrated in the light of this.

A consideration of conventional technical methods is planned in order to determine the options for recovering raw materials from waste incineration plant slags. In addition, innovative biological techniques are investigated with regard to their potential suitability for recovering the recyclable materials contained. Among these, alternative methods in the area of the utilisation of the slags as mineral raw materials will be investigated and identified. Initially, data on the determination of the potential in the literature and from existing plants is gathered and evaluated. In addition to this, various processing techniques are tested in series of tests.

An optimised plant concept for the recovery of recyclable materials will be developed based on the results of the data evaluation and the trials.

Experimental studies on a rotary kiln in the TEER laboratory at RWTH Aachen
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