Web-Banner für die Erasmus Days 2024

Exchange, cooperation and understanding in Europe - this is what Erasmus has been promoting for more than 35 years. Since then, the EU program has supported more than 4.5 million students on their way abroad. This is what we would like to celebrate!


From 14 to 18 October, we are organizing activities and events at various locations. Take the opportunity to find out more about studying abroad in Europe and network with fellow students.

Our program*

Monday, 14.10.

Information Desk

11 a.m.-2 p.m.
Fachhochschulzentrum (FHZ),
Correnstraße 25, MS
FHernweh - Wege ins Ausland** (Information Event) 4-5 p.m. Fachhochschulzentrum (FHZ), B008
Correnstraße 25, MS
Gestures and Facial Expressions - Intercultural Training** 5-7 p.m. Fachhochschulzentrum (FHZ), C404 Correnstraße 25, MS
Tuesday, 15.10. Information Desk 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Foyer of the Department of Social Work Friesenring 32, MS
Meine Kulturbrille - Intercultural Training** 3-6 p.m.

Hüfferstiftung, B 017

Hüfferstraße 27, MS

Wednesday, 16.10.

Information Desk 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Leo Campus, Library Leonardo-Campus 10, MS
Café International 4-6 p.m. Leo Campus, Senatssaal Leonardo-Campus 6, 1st floor, MS
Thursday, 17.10. FHernweh - Praktikum im Ausland (hybrid)** (Information Event) 2-3 p.m. Technologie-Campus Steinfurt, A222

Stegerwaldstraße 39, ST 

Café International 4-6 p.m.  Technologie-Campus Steinfurt, S-building, S8
Stegerwaldstraße 39, ST
International Dinner*** from 6 p.m. Technologie-Campus Steinfurt, S-building, S8
Stegerwaldstraße 39, ST
Friday, 18.10. La dolce vita - Intercultural Training Italy** 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Hüfferstiftung, B 017 Hüfferstraße 27, MS
FHernweh - Wege ins Ausland** (Information Event) 10-11 a.m. Technologie-Campus Steinfurt, A222 Stegerwaldstraße 39, ST
Information Desk 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Technologie-Campus Steinfurt, Mensa Stegerwaldstraße 39, ST

*Program subject to change (as of 29.07.24)
** Please register via PLUSPUNKT.
*** Please register via our registration form.



If you would like to get to know fellow students and socialize, then come to the "Café International". Here you can exchange ideas with German and international students who are currently taking part in the Erasmus program or who will soon be going abroad.


What you can expect: Exchange, language mix, photo box, international snacks, photo exhibition, good atmosphere, first-hand experiences, and much more.


Registration: Just drop by. Registration is not required.


Visit us at our information desks at various campus locations. Bring along any questions you may have about studying abroad. We will make time for you.


What you can expect: Face-to-face exchange with the International Office team, information, information, information.


Registration: Just drop by. An appointment is not necessary.


A stay abroad requires a good deal of organization. At our information event "FHernweh - Wege ins Ausland" and "FHernweh - Praktikum im Ausland", you will find out what you need to think about first and what you need to organize before starting your adventure.


Topics will be: Reasons for going abroad, financing, deadlines, insurance and other organizational matters.


Registration: Registration via PLUSPUNKT is required.


Our "International Dinner" gives you the opportunity to get to know other students and lecturers at our Campus Steinfurt. Each participant is asked to bring something small to eat from their home country or their favorite dish. Together we will then discover the culinary diversity!

What you can expect: International food, exchange with students and lecturers, photo box, photo exhibition, relaxing atmosphere, good vibes, and much more.

Registration: Please register via our registration link so that we know how many people will be attending the dinner.


Handshake, hug or kiss? What is typical abroad, or what do we think is typical in a foreign culture? Our intercultural training courses sensitize you to the cultural characteristics of a country.


What you take away: Cultural knowledge, ability to communicate, reflect and empathize, curiosity about the foreign culture


Registration: Registration via PLUSPUNKT is required for the training courses "La dolce vita - Intercultural Training Italy", "Intercultural Communication - Gestures and Facial Expressions" and "My Cultural Glasses - Intercultural Training".

Photo competition "My journey through Europe"

You will no doubt have brought back numerous photos from your travels through Europe. Take part in our photo competition and show your snapshots in a photo exhibition at the International Café on October 16 and 17.

The prizes include a DB (German Railways) voucher.

How to take part: "My journey through Europe" photo competition

Students and employees on Erasmus+

Logo der EU mit dem Hinweis Kofinanziert von der Europäischen Union

Liability Clause

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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